Morris Monthly

Tackling the Worker Shortage in CNC Machining: Strategies for 2024

Written by Morris | Apr 30, 2024 2:23:58 PM

As 2024 progresses, the CNC machining industry faces a critical challenge: a significant worker shortage. This issue limits the operational capabilities of machining shops and threatens their competitive edge in a market that increasingly relies on automation and efficiency. Addressing this shortage effectively is crucial for both large and small shops to ensure their continued success and growth.

Understanding the Worker Shortage

The worker shortage in the CNC machining industry stems from multiple factors. A key issue is the demographic shift in the workforce. As seasoned machinists retire, there are not enough younger workers entering the field. This is compounded by a general lack of interest among younger generations in manufacturing careers, often due to outdated perceptions about the industry's prospects and the nature of the work.

Economic shifts also influence the situation, with potential workers opting for industries seen as more stable or financially rewarding. Additionally, the educational system has not kept pace with the needs of the industry, leading to a mismatch between available skills and those required for advanced CNC operations.

Industry reports highlight the severity of the shortage. Over 60% of machining shops report difficulties in filling positions, primarily due to a lack of qualified applicants. This not only restricts the ability to take on new projects and expand but also places increased pressure on current staff, potentially leading to burnout and exacerbating retention issues.

Strategies for Large CNC Shops

Advanced Training Programs
Large CNC shops can develop comprehensive training initiatives to build a skilled workforce. By setting up apprenticeship programs and creating partnerships with technical schools and community colleges, these companies can secure a consistent influx of trained workers. Such programs not only provide practical experience but also introduce modern aspects of CNC technology, including programming, operation, and maintenance.

Automation and Technology Adoption
To counteract the workforce shortage, large shops are increasingly relying on automation and robotics. The adoption of AI-driven machines and robotic systems can help compensate for the lack of human labor, enhancing both productivity and precision. This technology also attracts younger workers who are interested in innovative, high-tech environments, helping to modernize production lines and attract new talent.

Enhancing Workplace Culture
Improving the work environment to boost job satisfaction and employee retention is crucial. This can be done by offering competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits, career advancement opportunities, and fostering a culture that values employee contributions. Such improvements not only help retain skilled workers but also make the sector more appealing to potential employees.

Strategies for Small CNC Shops

Cost-effective Training Solutions
While smaller shops may have more limited budgets, they can still improve workforce skills through accessible means. Online training platforms and local workshops offer affordable skill enhancement opportunities. Additionally, cross-training employees to perform various roles can increase job satisfaction and operational flexibility.

Collaborative Networks
Small shops can gain significant advantages by forming collaborative networks with peers. Sharing resources, knowledge, and training programs can help overcome financial limitations. Collaborations can also lead to joint ventures, which might include sharing machinery, technology, and skilled labor, providing mutual benefits.

Flexibility and Niche Specialization
Small shops can take advantage of their ability to quickly adapt to changes in the market by focusing on niche markets that require specific expertise. This strategy not only differentiates them from larger competitors but also attracts workers who are interested in specialized projects. Concentrating on specific types of CNC machining or catering to particular industries can streamline operations and reduce training needs.

Government and Industry Support

To assist CNC shops in addressing workforce challenges, several government initiatives and industry programs are available. These include subsidies for technology upgrades, training program grants, and policy changes aimed at enhancing careers in manufacturing. For instance, tax incentives are offered to companies that invest in training and equipment upgrades, reducing the financial burden on these businesses.

Programs such as Manufacturing USA or initiatives by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provide resources and support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These efforts are intended to help CNC shops modernize their operations and appeal to a broader workforce.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Case Study 1: Large CNC Shop – Advanced Automation
In Ohio, Advanced Machining Inc. has effectively addressed the worker shortage by heavily investing in automation, specifically robotic arms and automated milling stations. This has not only compensated for the shortage of skilled workers but has also increased production rates by 40%. The company has also formed partnerships with local technical colleges to ensure a continuous supply of trained machinists.

Case Study 2: Small CNC Shop – Niche Specialization
MicroPrecision in Colorado has specialized in producing aerospace components, carving out a niche in this specific market. This focus has attracted a team passionate about aerospace technology, bringing specialized skills and high engagement. Their specialization has also enabled them to secure steady contracts with major aerospace manufacturers, supporting growth despite workforce challenges.


The CNC machining industry in 2024 confronts a serious challenge with the worker shortage. By implementing strategic measures tailored to the capacities and scales of their operations, both large and small shops can not only mitigate these challenges but also thrive. Large shops benefit from investments in advanced training programs and automation technologies, while small shops can focus on flexibility, niche specialization, and collaborative networks. These strategies contribute to a more resilient and dynamic CNC machining industry.

The support from government and industry to foster workforce development and technological adoption is crucial in ensuring the sustainability and growth of this sector. Embracing these strategies is key to maintaining a competitive and innovative industry, despite ongoing labor shortages.